Management Team

Management Team

Introducing our accomplished management team, a blend of seasoned professionals whose strategic vision, diverse expertise, and unwavering commitment drive the success of our organization and empower us to exceed your expectations.

Mr. Sultan Mohammed Jameel

Group Chairman, Empower Group

Mr. Sultan Mohammed Jameel, MBA (UK), Group Chairman of Empower Group, offers mentorship in various domains, leveraging his expertise to guide and empower individuals seeking professional growth and leadership excellence.

Dr. Jamal M. Sultan

Managing Director, Empower Group

Having 23 years of business life experience in UAE. Academic excellence, strategic leadership, he inspires others to aim higher, setting an example of unwavering dedication and success. Passionate about aiding Indian and GCC’s young entrepreneur.

Mr. Mohamed Basullah

Group CEO, Empower Group

Having 18 plus year of experience in Business in UAE, India and having passion of performing Career Mentorship, Entrepreneurship Services for Students, Job Consultancy and Business Consultancy. Vast East Asia travel experience.
